As you know, training twice a week is the minimum requirement for all students. With advancement in rank, that minimum goes up as the volume of techniques increases (both at the rank held as well as the need to maintain all skills previously learned) and the expectation of skill becomes higher.

From a scientific standpoint consistent practice, instruction and correction improves the neural connections that allow us to master a skill or action. Without consistent training habits, students risk the “groundhog day effect” which means re-training the brain versus building upon previous training. This creates a challenge for both the student, who struggles to learn a skill and the instructor, who find themselves re-teaching skills, rather than developing and building on the skills already learned.

Missing the occasional class is unavoidable and our class plans are created to manage that. Curriculum is taught in cycles with new skills spanning several classes. When a student is absent for multiple classes they risk missing the instruction of a skill until the next time it appears in the teaching cycle. Make up classes can help!


Students who regularly attend classes develop bonds of friendship and peer association quickly. If a student is training sporadically, often those bonds become strained and the student begins to feel “left out” or “left behind”. This “fear of having missed out” begins to affect the desire to attend class and an unfortunate negative cycle develops. Consistent attendance in the twice-weekly core classes contributes in a big way to a student’s enjoyment and success in the program.

When you factor in the many benefits of our programs combined with our curriculum delivery strategies, it makes sense that training at least twice per week will have a significant impact on a student’s overall growth and development.

Why would you not want the most out of your training?